Expand - 4 Week Program for Deep Core Strength & Mobility
Walkabout Fitness
4-Week Program to Support Deep Line Integrity, Posture, and Ribcage Mobility
Expand was created to help stretch and build muscular integrity in the deep, internal muscles of the core, hips, and ribcage - your endostructure.
Improving the resilience of these core structures is crucial to developing a robust anatomical foundation that will make all other types of exercise, sports, and physical activity easier.
You’ll complete 3 sessions per week over the next 4 weeks. Each session is comprised of various breathing and positioning exercises that support and improve your inner framework. Each session is about 30-45min.
The exercises included in the program are intended to be slow, mindful and methodical. This program is low intensity, but requires lots of focused intention.
You won’t need much equipment, only what is listed below:
- Pull-up bar to hang from
- Yoga block or foam roller
- Sandbag or weight (between 20 to 100lbs)
By the end of the 4-Week program you'll feel more centered and strong in your body, your breathing will become more powerful, ribcage mobility will increase, and your posture will improve.
Expand - 4 Week Program to Support Deep Line Integrity, Posture, and Ribcage Mobility
Detailed Explanations of all Exercises
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18 pages
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